Premiere is a crash happy mess to put it mildly. 2100 PQ HDR with support for both intra and long GOP encoding.

Simplify track targeting by selecting multiple tracks while holding Ctrl (Windows) or Command (macOS) to enable, disable, or reverse the state of any track header switches such as visibility and locks.Select toggle switches on multiple tracks: Zoom in and out in the Program Monitor with the added 800% and 1600% zoom level options. Easily mask objects by adding multiple points on a path without rotate and scale options getting in the way.The new Changes column in Premiere Pro shows when a sequence has been edited so collaborators can update. When you’re ready, use the Publish button to share your edits with your collaborators.This makes it easy to handoff edits between collaborators. Premiere Pro shows you when someone is working on a sequence and automatically locks it to avoid conflicts or duplications.

Premiere Pro makes it easy to track and manage remote editing workflows. See who’s currently working on a Team Project right now.

Note: The downloadable file is an installer that will install the app when opened.